
Throwing The Ball
One child holds the ball in her hand and stands at a little d...

Buried Names
The first thing for the players to do is to decide what kind ...

Robbers And Soldiers
_10 to 100 players._ _Out of doors._ This game i...

Melting Lead
Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ri...

Few children think they will ever tire of playing games; but ...

Drive Ball
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ...

The Cat Alphabet
Another alphabet game requires adjectives to be put before th...

Find The Ring
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; schoolro...


Other Games
Other garden games for boys will be found in the Picnic section. We might mention also "Steps" (p. 4), "Tug of War" (p. 38), and "Potato Races" (p. 40). ...

It Touch Last Or Tag
For a short time "It" is a good warming game. It is the simplest of all games. The "It" runs after the others until he touches one. The one touched then becomes "It." ...

The name explains the game, which is played as "It" is played, except that you can be caught only when you are not touching wood. It is a good game where there are trees. It is, of course, not fair to carry a piece...

Cross Tag
This is the ordinary "Tag," save that if, while the "It" is chasing one player, another runs across the trail between him and the pursued, the "It" has to abandon the player he was at first after and give chase to ...

The Little Dog
The players form a ring, leaving one outside, who passes round it singing, "I have a little dog and he won't bite you," and as he does so, touching each player in turn with a knotted pocket-handkerchief. "And he wo...

Hunt The Squirrel
All the players except one join a ring. This one, with a knotted handkerchief in his hand, walks round the outside of the ring for a while, and then, dropping the handkerchief behind one of the players, runs off cr...

The players form a ring: all except one, who is "It." This one runs round the ring and touches one of the players in the circle. They both set off running immediately in opposite directions, the object of each bein...

Twos And Threes Or Terza
A very good picnic game. All the players except two form a large ring, standing in twos, one behind another. Of the two who are over, one is the pursuer and the other the pursued; and the game is begun by the pursu...

Hide And Seek
"Hide and Seek," which is perhaps the best out-of-door game without implements, needs no explanation. It is usual to give the player who hides a start of as much time as it takes the others to count a hundred in. S...

I Spy
"I Spy" combines "Hide and Seek" and "Tag." One player stays in the base, covers his eyes and counts a hundred, while the others run off and hide. On finishing the hundred the player shouts "Coming!" and runs out t...

Chevy Or Prisoner's Base
There is no better running game than this. You first pick sides and then mark off the two camps and take up your station there. The field is arranged thus:-- Place for Place for ...

French And English
For this game the ground must be divided by a path or line into two territories--French and English. At the further side of each territory a number of flags--handkerchiefs will do--must be placed at intervals. The ...

Black Man
This is rather rough. A line is drawn at each end of the playing place and one player is told off to stand between these lines. The object of the others is to run across, from base to base, without being caught by ...

"Stagarino" is similar to "Black Man," except that all the players who are caught, and whose business it is to catch the others, join hands. Those that run across have therefore to avoid them or to try and break th...

Red Rover
"Red Rover" is also similar to "Black Man," except that instead of all running at the same time, the "Rover" calls out:-- "Red Rover! Red Rover! Let (mentioning name) come over!" at which the one named ha...

Hop Step And Jump
This is a change from ordinary racing. The competitors, instead of running against each other, see which can cover the most distance in a hop, a step, and a jump, or, say, three hops, three steps, and three jumps. ...